Publishing on the internet

Since putting this site up I have received loads of emails asking for advice about building websites. To be honest it took me ages to learn, what with HTML and Javascript, CGI scripting etc etc - I spent about three years researching and practicing with loads of different aspects of web creation.

Q. Is it really that hard?

A. You fundamentally have three choices if you want your own website.

  1. Pay someone else to do it for you (wash your mouth out!)
  2. Spend hour after hour browsing the internet, buying websites-for-dummies books, searching for resources, learning the techniques, calling helplines, buying useless programs, reading page after page of installation instructions, divorcing, growing old, basically doing it the hard way (dammit all, that's how I did it!)
  3. Follow the advice of someone who has been through all the crap to get a website off the ground...

Q. So whats the easiest way to get a website up and running for little or no cost?

A. Get someone to take you through it step by step with advice about the best resources and where to get them.

Here's how it works

  1. Decide on a website name - this is called a domain.
  2. Register it and find a domain host
  3. Write your website pages.
  4. Use an FTP (file transfer protocol) program to transfer the pages into your domain
  5. Sit back and admire your handiwork...

See, easy isn't it?

In principle yes.... However, there are one or two little niggling problems to solve because if you want a website you probably also want to have a contact page, perhaps a forum, maybe FFA page (free for all classifieds), you'd quite like some little javascript bells and whistles, and oh yes a little flash display would look good along with the images that you upload (that have to be edited), etc etc.

All in all, if you want to make a decent job of it you have to learn:

  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • Image editing
  • CGI scripting (or at least how it works)
  • Flash

It starts to look a little more daunting... and you have to make decisions sooner or later and believe me, its far easier making the correct decisions early rather than having to change everything at a later date!

  • What sort of name should I choose?
  • Which is the best domain host for me?
  • How do I design the site to be search engine friendly?
  • How do I promote my website?
  • What is the best FTP program to use?

Head spinning yet?

OK, well the good news is all the research has already been done and in this section I'm going to take you through all my years of hard earned experience for nothing.


Good question! I know, I wrote it! Because I've ben through the process and this is one way of having a permanent record of all the steps required for posterity.

Why do I want a website?

To my mind there are several possible answers:

  • I just do, that's all, and it's none of your damn business
  • I want to provide a service for family, friends or anyone else
  • its for a business
  • I want to make some money

It's a reasonable question as the focus of the site will modify the requirements. For example a family site is not going to require a shopping cart etc.

Still want a website?

If the answer to the above question is "YES" then go right on to the starting line


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